Mandir Management

Mandir Management

  1. The management of the affairs / activities of the “Samiti” is vested in an elected Managing Committee, consisting of the following:
    • President 1
    • Vice Presidents 3
    • General Secretary 1
    • Joint Secretaries 3
    • Treasurer 1
    • Assistant Treasurer 1
    • Committee Members 12 (Elected)

  2. (Co-opted)
    The Managing Committee may co-opt not more than 3 additional Members in the Managing Committee, from amongst the Members of the Samiti

  3. The tenure of the Managing Committee will be for 2 years

  4. The out-going office bearers will be eligible for re-election for a second term, but not for the consecutive third term.

  5. One “Auditor” shall be appointed for a term of one year in the Annual General Meeting. The Auditor, so appointed, will be responsible for auditing the Samiti’s accounts and submission of the audit reports, within a month of the close of the years accounts.


The Managing Committee shall be responsible for the efficient management of the Samiti in furtherance of the aims and objectives as detailed in the Memorandum of Association. For this purpose, appropriate divisions of activities e.g.Mandir, Puja, Dharamsala, Library, Social Services, Spiritual studies, Cultural Activities etc. are made and responsibilities distributed through sub-committees.



  B–7, VasantKunj, New Delhi 110070
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